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IASC Inter-Agency Referral Guidance Note for Mental Health and Pyschosocial Support in Emergency Settings, 2017

Document Type
Product Category
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
Published Date
A referral is the process of directing a client to another service provider because s/he requires help that is beyond the expertise or scope of work of the current service provider. A referral can be made to a variety of services, for example health, psychosocial activities, protection services, nutrition, education, shelter, material or financial assistance, physical rehabilitation, community centre and/ or a social service agency.

IASC Newsletter - December 2016

Document Type
IASC Newsletter
Published Date
Click here see the December 2016 edition of the IASC Newsletter.
Synthesis of key findings from Inter-Agecy Humanitarian Evaluations

Inter-Agency Humanitarian Evaluations Steering Grounp, Synthesis of key findings from Inter-Agency Humanitarian Evaluations of the international responses to crises in the Philippines (Typhoon Haiyan), South Sudan and the Central African Republic, 2016

Document Type
Published Date
The report presents a synthesis of the three Inter-Agency Humanitarian Evaluations conducted - in the Philippines (2014), South Sudan (2015) and Central African Republic (2015) - seeking to identify key themes, good practices, and challenges encountered by the humanitarian system in responding to large-scale humanitarian crisis.

Inter-Agency Humanitarian Evaluations Steering Grounp, Synthesis of key findings from Inter-Agency Humanitarian Evaluations of the international responses to crises in the Philippines (Typhoon Haiyan), South Sudan and the Central African Republic, 2016

Document Type
Published Date
The report presents a synthesis of the three Inter-Agency Humanitarian Evaluations conducted - in the Philippines (2014), South Sudan (2015) and Central African Republic (2015) - seeking to identify key themes, good practices, and challenges encountered by the humanitarian system in responding to large-scale humanitarian crisis.