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A Mapping and Analysis of Tools and Guidance on the H-P Linkages in the HDP-Nexus

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Published Date
This paper was developed by IASC Result Group 4 with pro-bono support from Interpeace. It is an inventory of guidance and tools currently available to humanitarian actors, on peace building and conflict sensitive approach, as well as an analysis on the degree to which these meet the needs of practitioners in the field. The analysis highlighted some substantial gaps in guidance and tools available to staff, but there is also a wealth of methods and in order to better understand the linkages between the peace and the humanitarian pillars of the HDPN.

Nexus Academy Launch, Accelerating Learning, Community and Capacity for HDP Solutions

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Published Date
Objective: Build multi-stakeholder support for the Nexus Academy as a vital ‘systems-wide’ effort to scale-up understanding, capacities and programming to advance nexus approaches, and translate the principles of the DAC Recommendation on the humanitarian-development-peace nexus into concrete actions on the ground.
A screenshot from the IASC Briefing on HDN

Recording of the IASC Briefing on Humanitarian Development and Peace Collaboration in Practice Mapping Good Practices

Published Date
Strengthening the humanitarian-development collaboration was identified by donors, NGOs, crisis-affected States and other stakeholders as a top priority at the World Humanitarian Summit (WHS). Five years since the World Humanitarian Summit, there is an increasing body of experience in implementing nexus approaches. However, good practices and lessons learned generated at country level, do not have a platform to ensure knowledge transfer between country operations and/or at the global level.