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Meeting Record, Results Group 5, 17 September 2019

Document Type
Minutes/Meeting Notes
Product Category
Humanitarian Financing
Published Date
The Results Group 5 on Humanitarian Financing met on 20 August in Geneva to discuss the following agenda:Finalise and agree key messages to donors on tackling barriers and encourage multi-year and unearmarked funding,Brief and discussion on 2020 high level resource mobilisation events,Reporting (deadline by 11 October) and progress on the RG5 workplan,Brainstorm on the 2020 priority areas of work,AOB.Please find below a short summary of the meeting.

Workstream 4 (Reduce duplication and management costs with periodic functional reviews): Update on the Business Innovation Group September 2019

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
One of the commitments under the “Reduce duplication and management costs” Grand Bargain workstream is to “reduce duplication of managements and other costs through maximising efficiencies in procurement and logistics for commonly required goods and services”. UNHCR, co-convener of the workstream is working with WFP to deliver on this commitment. When the UN family spends annually USD 18 billion in procurement of goods and services, the savings it generates could amount to hundreds of millions.

Harmonized Reporting Template (8+3 template) - final

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
Following the conclusion of the pilot phase of the harmonized reporting template, the 8+3 template has been finalized. The feedback from pilot participants was reviewed and some of the elements of the template were adjusted slightly to improve the usability of the template and the clarity of language.

Call for Nominations, IASC Emergency Team Leadership Program (ETLP) in French, Dakar, 4 to 8 November 2019

Product Category
Published Date
We would like to invite your organizations to nominate participants for the IASC Emergency Team Leadership Program (ETLP) in French, which will take place in Dakar/Senegal, from 4 to 8 November 2019.  The ETLP program is administered by UNHCR on behalf of the wider IASC, and has been held twice a year in spring and autumn since 2006. The training is a blended learning program with the aim to strengthen emergency team leadership competencies of IASC partners in humanitarian emergency settings.

2019 Priority Areas of Work, IASC Results Group 2

Document Type
Work Plans and Progress Reports
Published Date
Please find below the 2019 Workplan for IASC Results Group 2, as endorsed in August by OPAG. The workplan is a living document with minor changes made to this version improve clarity and relevance on an ongoing basis. If you wish to access the latest working copy of the workplan, please request it from the IASC secretariat RG2 coordinator.

The Grand Bargain Annual Meeting 2019 Outcome document

Document Type
Product Category
Grand Bargain
Published Date
This is the final summary note from the Grand Bargain Annual Meeting 2019, including identified actions that Signatories will take to move forward with their Grand Bargain commitments.