News of The Grand Bargain (Official website)


Global Humanitarian Assistance Report 2022

Published Date
The Global Humanitarian Assistance Report 2022 provides a critical overview of the crisis financing landscape. Development Initiatives finds that total funding has plateaued despite historically high demand.

Caucus on the role of intermediaries - Final outcome document, August 2022

Published Date
We are pleased to share with you the final outcome document of the caucus on the role of intermediaries, which includes commitments for the organisations with an intermediary role, local/national actors, and funding partners/donors. The document was endorsed at the closing of the caucus on 17 July 2022 by A4EP, EU/DG ECHO, Germany, IFRC, NEAR, SCHR/World Vision, Switzerland, UNHCR, and UNICEF.

A letter from the Grand Bargain EP Jan Egeland, calling for action - August 2022

Published Date
We are pleased to share with you a letter from the EP Jan Egeland. Building on the very productive Annual Meeting and the concrete individual and collective actions that the Signatories committed to, EP Jan Egeland calls for renewed support and energy to ensure we deliver on our common objectives for Grand Bargain 2.0 by next summer.
unhcr flexible funding

UNHCR Report on the use of flexible funding in 2021

Published Date
As a humanitarian agency mandated to provide protection and assistance to forcibly displaced and stateless populations, UNHCR’s impact is dependent on its ability to respond swiftly and flexibly.