News of The Grand Bargain (Official website)


Launch of the Grand Bargain Caucus on Quality Funding

Published Date
On Friday 11 March 2022, David Miliband, President and CEO of the International Rescue Committee (IRC) co-launched the quality funding caucus together with European Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič.

UNHCR engagement in the Grand Bargain - Progress made over the past 5 years

Published Date
UNCHR produced a report to outline its engagement and progress made in the Grand Bargain since 2016. In the five years since the Grand Bargain was launched to improve aid effectiveness and efficiency of humanitarian response, UNHCR has increased funding and support for national and local responders, simplified reporting requirements, and successfully partnered with deve

A4EP video on localisation and proposition paper to intermediary caucus

Published Date
Please find below the proposition paper the Alliance for Empowering Partnership (A4EP) developed to contribute to the caucus on intermediaries.  A4EP also created an animation video with information on practice from local perspectives. Please find the links below.  Localisation : What does it mean? English
cash coord

A model on cash coordination endorsed - Grand Bargain caucus outcome document

Published Date
We are pleased to inform you that the Principals of the organisations represented in the Grand Bargain caucus on cash coordination - ECHO and the United States representing the Donor Cash Forum, WFP, UNHCR, OCHA, UNICEF, ICVA, A4EP, Collaborative Cash Delivery Network (CCD) and IFRC, with CaLP and CashCap as technical experts, and with the World Bank as an observer- , have unanimously endorsed a model setting out the structure, function, leadership and resourcing of cash coordination.

Risk Sharing Platform - January 2022 Update

Published Date
On 18 January 2022, the ICRC, the Netherlands and InterAction convened a meeting of the Risk Sharing Platform, as indicated in a communication shared with the Signatories in November 2021. The meeting brought together risk management experts and policy leads, including representatives from donors, INGOs, L/NNGOs, UN agencies, Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement, as well as research institutes.

Trócaire joins the Grand Bargain

Published Date
Following a successful application, Trócaire is the newest, 65th Signatory to the Grand Bargain. The Grand Bargain now includes 65 Signatories (25 states, 11 UN Agencies, 5 inter-governmental organizations and Red Cross/Red Crescent Movements and 24 NGOs).